School Medication Policy
Medical treatment is the responsibility of the parent and the family physician. Medications are rarely given at school. The parent is urged to work with the physician to plan a medication schedule for non-school hours. If it is an absolute necessity that medication be given at school:
- We MUST have a written statement from the doctor "detailing the method, amount, and time schedule by which medication is to be taken" (Education Code 49423)
- A signed release from the parents for the school to assist in administering medication.
- Medication must be in a pharmacy container, labeled with the student's name; the name of the medication; proper dosage and instructions; name of the prescribing physician; name of the pharmacy or manufacturer who dispensed the medication.
Forms are available in the school office. (This is also the policy for over the counter drugs, such as aspirin, eye drops, cough drops, etc.) These forms must be renewed each school year.