The girl wipes the blackboard.

Discipline Plan

 Building Connections and Values at Our School

Our goal is that students and staff will show respect to each other, take responsibility for their actions, and ensure a safe learning environment. The core of the plan is acknowledgment of positive behaviors. Our four overarching agreements are: Be safe, be respectful, be responsible, and be kind.

As a staff we strive to make positive connections with students and learn what motivates them to do their best. In addition to creating connections with teachers, we want for the students to be comfortable with the school office staff, principal, and counselor, so that all students feel connected to school. We believe that by knowing student interests, students will be more connected to school and will therefore follow our expectations.

Fostering a Positive Learning Environment

Classroom rules and policies

Each teacher implements rules and procedure for their class. Each of the classrooms follow our four agreements and have additional systems in place that parents are given by Back to School Night. Teacher use gratitude grams as well as other things within the classroom to promote our four agreements. Every Tuesday, the Principal chooses a winning gratitude gram from each grade level and those students chosen get to come chose a prize, and have their picture taken with our school mascot.

Behavior Expectations for Specific Locations & Times

Can be found on the school behavior matrix, each of the locations has a list of expectations that students are taught at the beginning of the school year and revisited throughout the school year. Each of the areas has expectations for students to be safe, be responsible, be respectful, and to be kind.

Life Skills

The Life Skills are taught and displayed in each classroom. Students are acknowledged for the use of the Life Skills in weekly prize drawings, monthly awards and on student report cards. Teachers and staff give students Gratitude Grams when they observe students using the Life Skills. Teachers integrate instruction about the Life Skills with curricular topics.

1. Student Leadership plans skits for the Life Skill assemblies.

2. Each teacher will select one of their Life Skill winners to reflect the focus Life Skill. They may give their remaining Life Skill recipient recognition for any of the Life Skills.

3. Teachers will “catch” students using their Life Skills throughout the school day and verbally acknowledge this behavior or give a Gratitude Gram. 

Life Skills Definitions

Caring: To show and feel concern.

Common Sense: To think it through.

Cooperation: To work together toward a common goal or purpose.

Courage: To act according to one’s beliefs.

Curiosity: To investigate and seek understanding.

Effort: To do your best.

Flexibility: The ability to alter plans when necessary.

Friendship: To make and keep friends through mutual trust and caring.

Initiative: To do something because it needs to be done.

Integrity: To act according to what’s right and wrong.

Organization: To work in an orderly way.

Patience: To wait calmly.

Perseverance: To keep at it.

Pride: Satisfaction from doing your personal best.

Problem Solving: To seek solutions.

Resourcefulness: To respond to challenges in creative ways.

Responsibility: To do what’s right.

Sense of Humor: To laugh and be playful without hurting others.

Gratitude Grams

Gratitude Grams are slips of paper, and if a teacher or staff member “catches” a student using a Life Skill, they receive the Gratitude Gram. The student will write their name on the ticket and turn it into their teacher. The teachers send them up to the office each week where they are displayed in a grade level container. On Tuesday’s the principal will announce the winners over the loud speaker, or at the school assembly (depending on the week). One winner from each grade level will be chosen each week, students will come to the office, meet with the school mascot & principal, and get a prize. The winners will have their pictures shown be in the following weeks student leadership morning announcement video.

Life Skill Alerts (K-2)

When students are making a choice that is not positive, the teacher and student can fill out a life skill alert form which will head home to parents. The form says what the student was doing, and then the teacher and student fill out what the student could have done differently next time (which Life Skill they could have used). The form goes home to keep parents informed.

Detention Policy (4th & 5th grades only)

The follow detention policy has been adopted by all intermediate grade level teachers at Marguerite Hahn Elementary School:


  1. Each class has established rules which are in effect in each room. Detention is the consequence of consistent breaking of one or more rules.
  2. If a 40-minute detention is issued, it will be served on two consecutive detentions for 20 minutes each day. Detention will be held on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3:00-3:20pm.
  3. Teachers will check that students have homework or classwork to do during detention time.


  1. If homework is not brought in on time, teachers may use a Homework Note.
  2. Completed assignment must be returned with a signed Homework Note the next school day.
  3. If above does not occur, a detention may be issued.
  4. Assignments are still due. Grades reflect incomplete or late assignments.

Growls are used after students have been reminded of the expectations and the student continues to break the rule. However, growls may also be used on a first-time offense when the behavior was significant: examples- being physical with a student (not fighting, but hands on). We use progressive discipline with increasing consequences implemented...

Consequences may include:


Conference with principal

Phone call to parents

Loss of recess privilege or restrictions on recess activities

Loss of other privileges such as field trips, special events

In-house suspension (at school)

Suspension at home


1. The Growl is given by the principal or teacher. The progressive consequences are listed on the Growl form.

2. Teachers receive a pink copy of the Growl for their records. When the student returns the white copy, it should be sent that day to the office.

3. If the Growl is not returned immediately, the student misses the morning recess. If a Growl is not returned by the second day, the principal will follow up with the parents.

4. The principal determines other consequences, based on the individual student and the misbehavior.

The Growl must be signed by a parent and returned the following school day. There can be other disciplinary actions taken as well or in lieu of a Growl.

Bullying/Cyber-bullying- Board Policy 5131 (a,b,c)

Bullying/harassment of other students, staff, including intimidation, so-called “cyber-bullying,” hazing or initiation activity, ridicule, extortion, or any other verbal, written, or physical conduct that causes or threatens to cause bodily harm or emotional suffering is strictly forbidden. Cyberbullying includes posting of harassing messages, direct threats, social cruelty, or other harmful text or images on the Internet, social networking sites, or other digital technologies, as well as breaking into another person’s account and assuming that person’s identity in order to damage that person’s reputation or friendships. In accordance with the Board’s policy and administrative regulation on search and seizure, a school official may search a student’s mobile communication device, including, but not limited to, reviewing messages or viewing pictures. A student who violates this policy may be prohibited from possessing a personal electronic signaling device at school or school-related events and/or may be subject to further discipline in accordance with Board policy and administrative regulation.

Hahn Elementary School Bullying / Intervention Procedure

Hahn Elementary School takes this issue seriously and has a “No Tolerance” approach to bullying.

“Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.

In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must be aggressive and include:

An Imbalance of Power: Kids who bully use their power—such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity—to control or harm others. Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the same people.

Repetition: Bullying behaviors happen more than once or have the potential to happen more than once.

Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.” 

It is vital that students report bullying to a teacher or the principal. Hahn teachers use Tool Box in their classrooms as an anti-bullying curriculum. If there are bullying incidents reported, there are several steps taken by teachers and the principal to correct the situation. Since every situation is different, there are different ways to handle what is occurring. Some steps taken to intervene and correct the situation are: conflict resolution, administrative conferences with families and students, and severe consequences. All actions that are taken are confidential and cannot be shared with other families.


The school will follow Ed Code in suspending students. Hahn elementary school wants to have students in school daily and therefore tries to provide alternatives to suspension whenever possible. We also want for students to understand why their behavior was not acceptable so that the behavior can become extinct. Some of these include: restorative circles, meeting with the school counselor, regular check-ins with the school principal, being in our check-in check-out program, or restitution,

Restorative circles

The purpose of restorative circles is for students to share their feelings around a specific incident. The student who were harmed are able to share how the other student’s actions made them feel. Students are all given a chance to speak and then a facilitator helps the students come up with a plan for students to repair damage and to move past the incident.

Meeting with the school counselor

Students can meet with the school counselor individually or in a group, depending on the student need. Depending on the student need students can meet with the counselor once, as requested, weekly, or twice weekly. Counseling can be held individually or in groups. During counseling students, be reminded of Tool Box lessons, use an additional curriculum, or meet in friendship groups.

Regular check-ins with the school principal

This is a proactive strategy, for students to know that there is another adult on campus who cares about them. These check-ins may be to check-in with student around his/her behavior and his/her progress, or to make sure that a student has been following through with an agreement. These check-ins can also be used for a student who had another student not being kind to them, to ensure that the behavior has stopped (some students will not always tell an adult unless they are being asked directly).

Check-in Check-out

Students are given individual goals (2-3). Students come to the office and check-in each morning, they are given their goal for the day, encouraged to make good choices and have a good day. Throughout the day the student checks-in with their teacher for how they are doing, and if they are meeting their goal or not (about every hour). At the end of the day, students come to the office and check-out. If the student met their goal, they get points. Points can be spent on Fridays and the rewards are individualized based on a student interest survey completed by the students before starting the program. This is meant to be a 6-8-week intervention.


We are currently crafting Restitution instructions.