Field Trips

Field Trips

State law requires that all people having close contact with students in schools must have verification of having passed a TB test. Please register the results of your TB test in the school office. Without this, you will not be allowed to provide parent volunteer service in the classroom.

Field trips are planned by teachers and designed to enrich the curriculum. A note and permission slip will be sent to you in advance of any field trip and will include cost, place, departure time and dress. The permission slip must be signed and returned to your child's teacher in order for the student to participate in the field trip.

Parents are frequently asked to chaperone field trips, and teachers rely on these parents to provide supervision for a group of students. While field trips are always fun for the students, they are intended to be extensions of the classroom curriculum and are learning activities. This is the parents' opportunity to participate with his/her child in an educational activity and to assist the classroom teacher. Unless it is specifically a family activity, we request that parents not bring other siblings along on field trips. Take this opportunity to give special attention to your child and play a crucial role in making this an important learning activity for the children in the class. The teacher is depending upon your undivided attention.

We are grateful to the Marguerite Hahn Elementary School PTA for providing all grade levels with a generous field trip fund to help pay for the cost of these activities. In addition the PTA has a scholarship fund so that no one will be excluded from a field trip due to cost.